Welcome to MonPetit Bleu! The little blue garden created with love over the past 17 years using what was here, what was given to me, borrowed or traded and bought at the best possible price, transforming into a beautiful, lush and relaxing garden paradise.


Aquaponics 4 You

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I read an interesting article, at motherjones.com which granted is an extreme left wing point of view, but it did enlighten me as to what all the hubub is about GMOs.  Coming from a medical background I am painfully aware of the similarity between what Monsanto and Dow are doing compared to  bacteria/germs and antibiotics. So probably everyone has heard of MRSA, which is a strain of staphylococcus that is resistant to just about any antibiotic, right? It was created by the overuse of antibiotics. Each time Joe Shmoe would get a bug his doctor prescribs an antibiotic, and over time the bug becomes resistant to it and to anything like it so that something stronger and stronger and stronger has to be invented until the antibiotic is sooo strong that it could possibly kill you. Kind of like chemo. The side effects are often so toxic that the cancer is more tolerable than the treatment.  Well the same is true in the agriculture world. Only it is not germs, it is weeds. Monsanto creates the toxic chemicals to kill the now SUPER WEEDS and Dow is creating super seeds that can survive these powerful chemicals and still produce a crop.
It seems to me we should learn from history, our mistakes and stop while we can, before .........?

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